Ever since I opened the wendyo Salon doors three years ago at 572 Massachusetts Ave. in the West Acton Village, I have been so grateful for the fact that I am the proprietor of my own business. To me, having full control of the budgeting and spending of the business income is as rewarding as what the salon business is about: helping people achieve their “individual aesthetic expression” (doing their hair and makeup).
Now more than ever, people (including fellow hairstylists), should have more control over their paycheck due to rising day-to-day expenses and potentially uncertain healthcare cost issues. As a single mother I understand the gravity of balancing the family budget. This is why I am opening my doors to other hairstylists who want the same freedom one gets from running their own business with the opportunity for booth rental.
Booth rental is simply the process of renting a space within a salon which usually consists of a styling chair, mirror, counter and in our case at wendyo Salon: a stylist’s very own sink/shampoo bowl. Along with the rental fee being potentially HALF of what is doled out to an employer for commission, there are other incentives for hairstylists with business ownership aspirations.
– Stylist’s control of their client list.
– Freedom of choice in products used for hairstyling and chemical work.
– Freedom of making one’s own hours.
– Minimal overhead due to the fact that the stylist is only responsible for their designated area.
– Full control over their advertising and marketing. (Of course, here at wendyo Salon, we contribute to initial advertising to welcome our new friends.)
– Full control and freedom to choose one’s health insurance provider and plan.
*To further explore this exciting option please contact us at 978-263-5442, wendyosalon.com, Twitter and/or Facebook.
Of course being an employee also has it’s advantages and we still offer that option for people who prefer that choice. But times they are a changin’ and so are the ways entrepreneurs mind their business.