In this video, I am happy to answer a few hair/beauty/grooming questions and discuss an urban myth:
– What is the difference between dandruff and dry scalp?
– If I trim my hair, will it make it grow faster?
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Inspired Party Hair Tutorial
This is an easy hair tutorial for the hairstyle worn by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in Transformers Dark of the Moon. This style is great for your next big holiday party!
Your Hair Questions Answered!
In this video, I answer some of your questions about hair. Such as,
-How do I know whether or not my skin tone will go with a new haircolor?
-Is there anything I can do between coloring trips to hide roots?
-Is it true that store bought isn’t as good as salon hair color?
-How can I know if a celeb style will look good on me?
-How to avoid a terrible cut?
I’ve Made The Big Time!
Well, it’s official: I’ve made it Ma… I got my first bad review! Hopefully, this will be the only. But I’m afraid that the longer that I’m in business, there may be more and as my very wise sister said, “You can’t please everybody.”
Let me just start off by saying it is ALL COMPLETELY UNTRUE! Without going into detail, I know for a fact that we did everything we could and always do for a wonderful service and experience. I think it was a matter of someone (reviewer) just having a bad day even before they walked into my humble establishment. I decided to make this a learning experience…I decided to make lemonade…
The first thing I did was read the many good reviews and take delight in the number of positive responses. When I was done patting myself on the back, I met with my staff to share this disturbing discovery and re-evaluate (Those who are close to me say I “over think” things and “obsess”- silly, huh?). This input will motivate us to perfect the details involved in excellent customer service. Now we can move on.
For the reviewer: Maybe you were having a bad day, maybe there is just no pleasing you or maybe you were having an “imbalance”. I just want to let you know that I am a single mother who grew up having to work instead of going to college with the dream of being a great success and to comfortably provide for my family. I am a consumer as well, and have had less than perfect service at some businesses. When this happens, I take into consideration that this is someone’s livelihood and a bad review is bad for business. I will just never patronize that establishment again and that business will not be at the top of my recommendation list. Of course all bets are off if you directly insult me or my family (It’s the Sicilian in me) or you physically assault me (duh?).
So my advice for other small businesses is to not ignore these comments, they are from our customers – the actual people we provide service to. Think of these situations as opportunities to grow and re-focus. Then move on.
You Are What You Eat
Yes, we have all heard this expression before and no it doesn’t mean that you’re a big turkey (If that were the case then that would mean I would be a big Whoopie Pie). All kidding aside, among all of the questions thrown at me in a day, one of the most popular ones that I’m asked at the salon is: “What foods/vitamins are best for healthy hair?” As for any part of the body, a diet rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals is key for optimum hair and skin health. Keeping hydrated plays a major part in flushing out toxins and in carrying nutrients throughout your system. So, to keep your limited and precious internet perusing time for checking your Twitter feed and not for researching nutrition, I have gladly compiled a pretty straightforward reference list of some of these nutrients to keep in mind:
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega 3 and Omega 6
- Our bodies cannot manufacture them and must be obtained from foods.
- Helps retain moisture in skin and hair.
- Best found in vegetable oils, seeds and nuts.
Vitamin A
- Maintains structural integrity of cells and mucus linings.
- Aids in controlling acne by reducing the production of sebum (oil).
- Generates healthy hair.
- Found in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
- Eat your dark, leafy green vegetables.
- Fish liver oil is another good source of Vitamin A.
Vitamin C
- Produces and maintains healthy collagen (great for fighting wrinkles).
- As we all know, there is plenty of Vitamin C in citrus fruits.
- Some lesser know sources are red or green peppers and broccoli.
- Works with Vitamin C to produce collagen.
- Supports the tissue rebuilding actions of Vitamin A.
- Found in hair so maintaining it is important to hair health.
- Sorry vegetarians but red meat is an excellent source.
- But pecans, pumpkin seeds and whole wheat flour are good as well.
Vitamin E
- Helps the body retain moisture.
- Prevents sun damage.
- The cell protection qualities help fight against tissue degeneration and pre-mature aging.
- It is hard to find the therapeutic amounts in food, so a supplement is needed.
Of course proper at-home care and regular visits to us for trims and conditioning treatment are the best way to maintain the cosmetic care of hair. So I guess I’ll be seeing you right after that nice healthy lunch.