:: In this video I start our weekly series “Tip of the Week”. Each week I give a quick tip for hair and/or beauty. Please SUBSCRIBE/RATE/COMMENT, FOLLOW us on Twitter @wendyosalon and LIKE us on Facebook.
::How to Have Victoria’s Secret Hair Everyday::
In this video, I show you how to achieve that super sexy Victoria’s Secret hair everyday! Please SUBSCRIBE/RATE/COMMENT, FOLLOW us on Twitter @wendyosalon and LIKE us on Facebook.
Kim Kardashian / Demi Lovato Inspired Ballerina Bun
https://wendyosalon.com/ :: In this video, I show you how to achieve that popular casual look of the ballerina bun made popular by Kim Kardashian and Demi Lovato. Please SUBSCRIBE/RATE/COMMENT, FOLLOW us on Twitter @wendyosalon and LIKE us on Facebook.
CLOSED::Fall Essentials Giveaway:: w/ A Halloween Twist!
Three easy steps to win this ::Giveaway::
1. SHARE this video on your Facebook feed!
2. Go to this link and post your answer to this question: What do you love most about Fall/Autumn?
3. Post your answer ALSO on our Facebook wall ( Make sure to”Like” our page while you’re there)
-You can post a comment every day to increase your chances of winning!
–China Glaze “Wicked” Collection
–Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Moisture Mist
Kids get parents permission. All entries must be submitted by midnight (ooooo spooky) on 10/17/12. Good luck!
Sue’s ::Makeover:: Story
The other day I had the pleasure of meeting one of the lovely ladies who won our makeover giveaway. After being moved by the outpouring of support shown through the numerous nominations, I had to meet this woman Sue Hardy.
Here is just a taste of the love for Sue:
“I would like to nominate my best friend Sue Hardy. Sue is a single disabled mom of one of the greatest kids I know, thanks to Sue’s incredible devotion to raising her son. Sue has always been an inspiration to me as she can always find the sunshine on a rainy day. I have known Sue since we were kids and her ability to adapt to even the hardest of situations is remarkable. Sue deserves this makeover if for no other reason than to take her mind off of taking care of everyone else in her life and just lie back and have herself taken care of. Please consider Sue for this makeover as not only will she be the one receiving it, you will be receiving the joy of being around the most positive person I know.”
-Theresa Gray
We had so much fun with this giveaway that we plan to do more in the future! But to keep up to date with the latest news, videos and giveaways, make sure to follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wendyosalon, Twitter, and check out our website https://wendyosalon.com/. Thanks again, to all that participated! Oh and by the way, did you know we do hair also at wendyo Salon? 😉
Cheryl’s ::Makeover::
This vlog features our amazing new friend, Cheryl. The touching post for our ::Makeover Giveaway:: submitted by Cheryl’s daughter, Meaghan, is the best introduction for this video:
“I nominate my mom, Cheryl Doty Whittier. She’s been dealing with a dabilitating back injury for almost a year now and still manages to be a wonderful single mom to my 2 brothers and I. She’s got long curly hair that is often unmanageable. She has been out of work for 10 months and is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. My mom deserves this because through all her struggles in the past year she’s been kind of depressed and blue and a nice makeover would really brighten her spirits! She’s faced many struggles in life but is still and amazing woman. Shes stepped in to take care of my cousin who moved in with us last year, she treats everyone with the utmost respect and has a genuine heart. My oldest brother is serving in the army and hasn’t been home in over a year and is scheduled to deploy again next spring. This has also contributed to my moms sadness. She’s an awesome woman and deserves to have a day where she can be pampered and treated like a queen!
Please,Wendy help my mom out!”
-Meaghan W
Stay tuned for the next installment in The wendyo Salon ::Makeover:: Series!
Remember to “Like” our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. ~wendyosalon.com